The least subtle and most preachy episode yet.

I can't help but to think there are much better ways of writing episodes like this.

The lack of subtlety made it much less hard-hitting.

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@phleanix Every episode of this show is about as subtle as a sledgehammer, but it's an issue only when a trans kid is involved? Sure...

@adashovelace You may wish to re-read my comment, the subject (how transgender persons are treated) isn't the issue.
It's been covered before and in much better ways. Hell, even Supergirl did a better job!

The writing in this episode was terrible by comparison. Lazy, even.
It deserved better.

Whether you agree or not is entirely up to you, but don't try to see prejudice where there isn't any.
That's just as lazy as this episode's writing.


No, the other episodes weren't as on the nose as this one and that is unfortunately something that we see with other tv shows as well. It's as if they made a special that was written by different writers and it shows in the quality.

I absolutely love trans episodes, but sometimes they are just so cringy. And this is one of them.

There is another comment on this episode (by wolfkin) that explains it way better than I can.
