This series has some of the best side characters. Makes sense given the source is a world full of wonderful NPCs. Wish we got more time with some of them, but the fast pace does work so far.

Grog's got the best insults for such a simpleton. I remember the suspense and andrenaline of watching this battle live at the table (well, after the fact anyway). Grog sauntering into the midst of the the herd like a total boss. They really did it justice here.

Anyone else get that tingly feeling when Grog said the thing? "Vox Machina! Fuck shit UP!" This show fucking rocks.

And our big boy knows how to respect a badass moment from the enemy too. Always has time to complement a cool moment no matter the source. Before he airdrops in and cuts a fucker clean in two. Like a total badass himself.

For a moment, I thought Trinket was going to join the Strongjaw chant. Now to tackle a fucking dragon. Maybe finger it a little.

Geez Vax. That was a little rude. Poor Keyleth.

"At dawn, we plan." Fuck this series has some truly magical lines. Not a big surprise given the presence of a bard.

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