Dito Montiel - author of an autobiographical book that this movie is based on also directs in his full-screen directorial debut. His direction is evident in every frame. The care with which he portrays his story is humbling, care that wouldn't have existed if "A Guide..." was to be directed by someone else. Rough neighbourhood of Queens, N.Y. with its Italian culture is so raw that it's a genuine pleasure to watch. Usually I am not a great fan of narrative jumps - here story jumps frequently between 2005 & flashbacks from 1986 - but the way they are done didn't seem to bother me at all.

It is a strong picture with heavy topics being put to the forefront - one of them being a resentment towards father. Pure emotions are pouring out from the senior cast - every confrontation between characters played by Robert Downey Jr & Chazz Palminteri caused goosebumps on my arm, that's how electric both of them are - great, great performances. Dianne Wiest also at the top of her game as Dito's mother. Young cast contributes well to the whole - Shia LaBeouf in particular as young Dito.

It is a shame that this movie is not being talked about very often - it should be, because it delivers on every front. Powerhouse performances from the cast, clear and strong direction from Dito Montiel makes this a powerful and compulsory viewing to everyone who loves a good but heavy story.

It is one of those hidden gem titles. I recommend you give it a go. Even if it's only for Robert & Chazz on-screen dynamic - that warrants a great viewing on its own.

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