Review by Justin Numerick


Season 4

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Season 4 Review:
You season 4 started off on a really good note for me. I was really enjoying the new direction they were taking things and how they were flipping the show on its head a bit. Joe was in a new place as a character and his 'you' became a different type of person entirely. It was fun to watch him play detective around all of these rich socialites. And when part 2 came out I was excited to see where things would go after the big reveal at the end of part 1. And I have to say, I did not expect at all the twists and turns that the second half of the season brought us. They really went for it and took a major swing, and I think that it almost worked but not quite. Props to them for 100% fooling me and orchestrating a twist this big that I did not see coming even in the slightest. It's been a long time since a movie or tv show was able to pull that off for me and I loved that it worked in that regard. However, it did suddenly make the show very convoluted and I don't think I prefer the decisions they made versus what we got in the first half of the season. It was an effectively crazy direction to take the show and made me very engaged, but I was left missing the style of part 1. It also provides a much different experience from the first half of the season, making the entire season as a whole feel disjointed. The pacing in part 2 also felt choppy in and of itself a little bit, while I thought the pacing of part 1 was much better. This season ended up being much more of a character development season for Joe in a heavier way, and I think it was almost a good arc by the end of the season. There are some great ideas regarding his character near the end, but I don't think they were executed perfectly. It feels as if they wanted to take his arc all the way in one direction, but realized that would create problems if they want to make another season so they chickened out in the end. By the finale, he has changed in some ways, but not that much and certainly not as much as they were setting up. I do think he's more terrifying than ever now, and that makes me excited to see what comes next. All-in-all, this season provided the entertainment value I wanted and I quite enjoyed this new setting and the various new characters we get. I thought part 1 was especially a lot of fun. They lost me a bit in part 2, but I respect the big swings and the execution of a twist that properly fooled me. I little disappointed by the end, but another very solid season of this show.

7.8/10 -- Good

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