Shout by dogg724
BlockedParent2023-03-11T22:12:49Z— updated 2023-04-13T05:06:27Z

Way too many writers trying to emulate a goofiness and sensibility of a bygone era. A giant line of famous faces and aspiring "comedy world people" scurrying to rub elbows with Mel Brooks. Or, at least the idea of Mel Brooks. Is it attempting to be transcendent and/or higher-budget satire? Is it absurdity for the sake of it? I think it's that so much is punching you squarely in your nose that there's no room for an organic laugh to find room between "Yeah, I get it" thoughts and wincing. What is the joke and where is the punchline? It's like watching "The Characters" which was like watching an hours-long cringe-worthy later-season sketch from Saturday Night Live. Then you have so much 4th wall breaking looking for like meta self-awareness? I wonder if the cast just felt dirty in between takes or obligated and trying too hard to keep the mood up.

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