The second half of this season was so much better! I actually grew fond of Phoebe. Not so much her friends and I have definitely not warmed up to Kate whatsoever. The twist with Rhys was predictable but still interesting and I like how it showed just how much Joe was deteriorating. I'm glad the writers made him less likable and showed more of how dark he truly is.
Now when he jumped off that bridge I thought 'what will they do with the rest of the episode?' but they took a turn. A TURN! O my, I'm still processing. The joy of knowing Nadia helped save Marienne but the direct agony of seeing what her heroic actions brought her. The way Joe coldly told her that nobody would believe her and the absolute insanity that is Kate... KATE STAYING WITH HIM!? I mean who is worse here? At least with Love it was clear that she shared a darkness with Joe but Kate with her 'changing the world' bull is not in fact as Joe states 'a good person'. She is just as fake as her friends in my opinion.

I love how the ending is fitting to the theme of the show. It's dark and sinister and should in no way be romanticized. The hallucination was a nice touch too... seeing Beck and Love again. I wished they'd brought back Peach and Candace as well but that must've not been possible in terms of the actors and their schedules... I guess? And I didn't even expect to be THIS happy to see Beck but looking back I think we can all agree she was a real victim of Joe.
Goodbye, You.

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