Two problems with this trash

-saying you've been invited on CNN is not something to brag about, it's something you should be ashamed of.

-one word: Jeff Wise. Don't give a platform to lunatics like him. His theory :airplane: The ancient Nemesis of Malaysia, stay with me, is RUSSIA and they wanted to start a war with them, by hacking the ping system and autopilot killed everyone on board, then flew to Kazakhstan , ~~ and then Russia followed up with a full scale invasion ~~, ups never happened.
No real motive, negative evidence.

And this retard has the audacity to call other conspiracy theorists " lol.
And he appeared on CNN more than 50 times, now that's a real conspiracy.

I rate it" just when you thought that there's nothing worse than Netflix originals, there are Netflix documentary originals" out of ten.

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