Shout by nicky2910
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-06-10T18:13:32Z— updated 2022-06-11T22:06:33Z

Well, it was clear where this would go... still, really poignant episode, typical Star Trek. And the helpless anger in the end, knowing that this child is suffering beyond help, and that another one is being groomed to take over in the future, over and over again - well done.

Granted, children suffer now and in the ST-age... but voluntarily send a child to a life of suffering just that the others may live in luxury, no, there's no moral high ground to be found here. But a couple of questions remain, such as those ancestors who built the machine, did they leave plans behind? And why not relocate the whole population if the planet seems inhabitable without that machine? Was the former colony meant as relocation world once upon a time?

I guess, Kirk, especially Trek-09-Kirk, would have blown that machine up. Can't say I'd have minded much... even though I actually prefer the uncomfortable TNG-like non-resolution we got here.

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@nicky2910 I think uncomfortable non-resolutions are more realistic within the Trek / Federation universe. I think our films, TV, and books generally lead us to believe or expect clean, black and white resolutions but I think the pseudo-unresolved ending of this episode was arguably the best thing about it.

@2ls1t Exactly my point. Uncomfortable, thought-provoking, that's at the core of Star Trek.

@nicky2910 yeah, sorry, I was just agreeing with you (perhaps unnecessarily :sweat_smile:)
