Shout by Acoucalancha

Children of the Corn 2020

Same corn, different field

As the 11th in the franchise I imagined they would finally learn from the ten others and be able to do something decent... well no, this is just another rehash of past failures mixed in with some of the worst writing i've seen in a while. What really kills it is the acting, it's overdone and corny (except for that little girl). Could not stand the annoying main character. First 40 minutes could of been cut out it felt completely unnecessary. Not even close to being the worst CGI i've seen but I didn't like the idea of using CGI in the first place. Who the hell decided that was a good idea? The editing and especially the dialogue... ughh. There's not much logic and coherence used in this movie but the third act was something else, it's as if everyone gave up on it by that time. A decent attempt with the kills, some of them were creative and looked good. Final scene of the movie was my favorite.

Please just put this franchise out of it's misery already!

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