The writing leapt from middling at the beginning of this season to phenomenal in this episode, I could not take my eyes off the screen! The OGs AND the literal next generation (lol) are out here KILLING it! Amanda Plummer was on her A game here, absolutely TERRIFYING, Vadic makes Weyoun look like a disgruntled puppy.

I'm crossing fingers and toes hoping to see some more familiar faces for this bon homage. Faces that were involved in the Dominion War, and from Voyager, they certainly have options - perhaps Kira, O'Brien and/or Bashir because of their Section 31 connections, Janeway, Tuvok... look, if the PTB successfully deep faked Carrie Fisher for Star Wars, they can deep fake Odo and Benjamin Sisko for Star Trek. Whoever, whatever they choose now, I'm fully on-board because this ship found its second wind and is sailing!

10/10 - for Amanda Plummer putting in some serious WORK, and in memory of Lal (who we very likely may hear again soon).

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