Shout by Frank Carrizo Zirit

Smile 2022

Oh boy, where do I start? “Smile” is a queasy, nasty horror-melodrama from first-time feature director Parker Finn. It’s shot in a dull, blank, subdued light into which hallucinations and supernatural incursions can insinuate themselves without warning. Sosie Bacon (Kevin’s daughter) plays Dr. Rose Cotter, a consultant psychiatrist who has chosen to work in the most challenging environment possible: a hospital ER in which patients are invariably at their most violent and troubled. But let’s be real here, her acting is as convincing as a politician’s promise during an election campaign.

The movie’s influences are certainly detectable: we are admittedly close to It Follows and The Ring territory. It could have been the kind of sinister flick that follows you home, slipping through the door, up the stairs, and curling up deep inside your head, daring you to sleep. Instead, Smile feels as disposable as a candy wrapper. And let’s not forget about the dialogue. It’s as cringeworthy as a dad joke told at a funeral. In short, if you’re looking for a good horror movie to watch, keep looking. This one will leave you with nothing but disappointment and regret.

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