I disagree with those that are summarising this film as a love story. This engaging and fairly original film has lots of interesting themes and is split into 2 clear halves (for me).

The acting is sterling and Tilda Swinton's character in particular is exceptionally believable. the excellent Yorkshire accent and the other nuances she brings really make the role full of life. Idris' djinn is great portrayal of an exceedingly powerful and experienced being that is fallible, cynical but in love with humanity and optimism.

the first half of the film is full of exotic moments and fantastic stories. it's set in the middle east and Africa - and focuses on the meeting of the two main characters and the history of Idris Elba's character. the story brings to life parts of history, exploring themes of power, oppression, love, personal weaknesses, self sabotage and human pursuits (intellectual, dominion of others, love, climbing society). in short an exploration of the things that make us human from the perspective of a djinn over centuries of experience.

Swinton's character develops throughout this in a nuanced but clever way - her responses to his stories and how she develops the conversation eventually reveal some of her desires and how she is also cynical about humanity.

the second half of the movie takes a very different tone. the focus is on our normality and the impacts of modern life - the overwhelming aspects of technology and the impacts of the constant stimuli on our psyche. it explores themes of belonging, the gift of companionship and how we shield each other from the barrage of suffering of daily living.

it was great to get the djinns perspective here to remind us that the accomplishments of humanity as a species on earth and through the ages are incredible.that whilst our lives are tough the collective achievements and future opportunities are fantastical - a different sort of magic.

I thought the script, characters and directing were fantastic. the special effects never had me think about computer graphics -they felt like real magic and were dizzying in effect at times. the vignettes of different ages/ geographies were excellently portrayed.

I felt like I'd travelled the world and universe through the ages accompanied by an exceptionally intellectual,compassionate and optimistic person - despite the horrors he'd observed and the pain he'd felt. I liked the portrayals of love in different forms and settings - but especially the one borne out of a fairly normal and comparatively dull setting but focusing on mutual respect and the strength within that.

a highly recommended film.

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