Review by Tshepiso

Stranger Things

Season 3

Onwards and upwards Stranger Things 3 was a massive improvement on its predecessor. While it had some sport that could have been tightened and one character I absolutely hated for the most part it was incredibly solidly crafted. I would say the character-centric storytelling did drop off in the last few episodes. We didn't have much on-screen character stuff with Will or Lucas as I'd hoped. But the series more than makes up for that with a very well-crafted high-stakes emotional climax. I am also glad they didn't definitely undercut the emotional drama in the post-credit scene.

Honestly, I'm glad to just solidly like the show again. I felt like a crazy person when ST2 wasn't resonating especially when it feels universally liked but I'm back on the bandwagon here and ready to enjoy wherever season 4 takes me

Hopes and Dreams for ST4
*Lucas and Max's relationship development (we never really got to see what they were like as a couple this season because we were so wrapped up with Mike and El so I hope this develops meaning fully
*Jonathan characterization, we've gone 2 full seasons without him moving the needle in any way. Maybe his being away from Nancy will allow him to get some independent goals.
*Hopper stays dead. I know this is a pipe dream, especially because most people seem to adore this asshole but not only do I hate him but his death did have a solid emotional impact so to have that immediately undercut would suck.
*Robin gets a love interest and Steve doesn't. 1. I'd like to see a solid queer relationship next season. I know historically I haven't enjoyed most ST romances but I think anything with Robin could convince me. 2. I don't think Steve needs a love interest. He spent this season organically building a solid friendship and that was one of the most interesting aspects of the show
*Dustin hangs out with his friends. As much as I love Steve and DUstin's relationship his being away from the core group the entire season felt so wrong

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