An amazing season ends with a bit of a whimper. Only because the three of them basically got by because of George. And Liz didn’t finally “decide” to get rid of him… it was a bit of a stretch for her to claim that… bc it was the only rational decision for everyone to make in that moment! Nobody was gonna vote for Gerry.

George’s gameplay is unmatched, by any Survivor player, ever. The fact that he made it THAT far is unfathomable, and worthy of endless praise. I began to get bored once he was voted out, because he was the only one truly worthy of the win.

Still, out of the three left, the right person did come out victorious. And it really was a fantastic season with a spectacular group of castaways!

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@tvwatcha3 As the Aussies say - 100%

My only concern was that the jury would throw Matt votes just because he was a new dad and not look at it logically and unbiased that Liz was in fact the clear winner once George was gone.
The ONLY complaint I had about Liz's answers and closing words was that she never once mentioned that Gerry literally said he didn't even belong there and once it appeared he may have garnered a vote or two, he actually did WAY betetr than I thought he would, I thought she may have made a strategic error not mentioning it and bringing it all back to either Matt or her.

I am wondering what happened to Matt's final closing arguments though, my wife and I watched that part 3-4 times and never saw it, only Matt with his head lowered and looking completely defeated lol Was it aired in Australia and somehow we missed it here in Canada because it was somehow edited out of this torrent?

OPReply by Corey

@veganaf Omg I thought the same thing! Did Matt just not say anything?! Or did he say something worth editing? It was obvious to viewers. So very strange. George kinda got him tho, with his question. I def felt bad for him. Did that just leave him defeated?

@veganaf Omg I thought the same thing! Did Matt just not say anything?! Or did he say something worth editing? It was obvious to viewers. So very strange. George kinda got him tho, with his question. I def felt bad for him. Did that just leave him defeated?

@tvwatcha3 Yeah, that's what my wife and I were speculating. That George's question left him so crushed he just said "I have nothing to say" HAHAHA

@tvtrav3ler I agree, very well said.
