I need Carolyn to go all the way to the finals my God I love her! Lol

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@caiomatrix Should put this in a spoiler. I just checked in. Obviously she didn't go home tonight. Production cheating for her anyway. No way she came up with the idea to hide the fake idol last week with the X marks the spot crap and she was being interviewed by production the opening moments of Episode 1. You never hear production speaking out loud like that.

I won't be surprised at all with how scripted and bad US Survivor is.

Have you been watching Australian Survivor? My God it is 50 times better than our version now.

Join Reality Bites on Facebook if you want to see the past 8 seasons. 24 Survivor almost 50 days not this weak ass 26 days garbage.

@y2jin99 ops, my bad, fixed it.

No, I haven't watched Australian Survivor or any other Survivor actually except for the last season and a couple of episodes of the Brazilian one. I got curious while waiting for Amazing Race to start one day and I stuck around lol

@y2jin99 I can't believe someone else is watching Australian Survivor. I'm from the US. I love this season of Australian Survivor. It's the first one I've seen. I love King George and his spice girls. How good is it! I really enjoyed seeing the old chase each other around in the water challenge.

@y2jin99 @throbicus SO great to finally see others praising Australian Survivor! Phenomenal casting. Compelling challenges. More days and more time to get to know everyone. Higher stakes. Fun twists. This last season of it was FANTASTIC.

Our version has GOT be catching on to this, and make the changes that need to be made. It just pales so much more in comparison.

@throbicus I highly recommend watching the earlier seasons. SO worth it!

@throbicus Like I said join Reality Bites on Facebook and let me know you're from Trakt. I have all seasons of Australian Survivor and Survivor South Africa. Survivor UK coming soon.
