I went to a pre-screening of this movie last night, not expecting much more than a comfortable seat in an UltraAVX theatre with a big bag of popcorn with layered butter. The last three movies I’d seen of Chris Pine’s had been big disappointments and I knew he was the top of the call sheet for this film. So, basically I thought it would be a media hyped 2 to 4 out of 10. I was wrong. The story had a well crafted arc (though predictably the good guys win - I don’t even think that qualifies as a spoiler). The practical effects were amazing, almost making the CGI unnecessary. There were dungeons, dragons and mayhem. The writing was witty and the comedy was ridiculous. More than just a three lead movie, the young cast were fantastic, definitely not playing in the shadow. As usual, I did a mini-exit poll of the people sitting around me in the packed house. There was one 7.5, five 8s and I’ll add to that because I would definitely see this film again, it was a lot of fun. I give this film an 8 (great entertainment) out of 10. [Fantasy, Adventure Romp]

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