It may be a veryyy unpopular opinion, but this show is one giant STRETCH. And a jumbled one at that.

So, Sherlock took the case (the main objective of which I’m still trying to figure out) simply because the client said it was the footsteps of a massive hound? And then, out of nowhere, H. O. U. N. D. is suddenly a thing and this secret group doing secret experiments also happened to have t-shirts made? I just cannot.

This series is so frustrating to watch, because Cumberbatch is fantastic but the mysteries are so convoluted. All the connections are preposterous and the resolutions are far from satisfying to me. I feel like the story tries (and maybe even succeeds) to appear as something brilliant, when it’s merely a bunch of nonsense strung together.

Also, they are doing a horrible job of building up Moriarty as a big bad! Am I the only one who thinks so?! Where exactly was he at the end of this episode? Did I miss something?? And why exactly is he so obsessed/infuriated with Sherlock? Another plot point that feels forced.

I truly don’t understand all the high praise, and I’m still waiting for an episode to wow me and make clear-cut, impressive sense. Fingers crossed.

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