A welcome return to form after the debacle of V, this is a wonderful send off for the original crew and a fitting tribute to Roddenberry. Here Trek does what it does best, and looks at a real life issues through science fiction. The exploration of the "Cold War" between the Klingons and Federation and attempts to bring about peace after a Klingon disaster may be a little too on-the-nose in its reflection of Chernobyl and Soviet/American relations of the late 90s, but it's message is just as relevant today, perhaps even more so. It also allows Meyer to pick up threads from prior entries and use them to great effect as Kirk struggles to accept the idea of peace. Using Kirk as the lynchpin whose reluctance is relatable and understandable in the context of the previous stories allows the film to emphasise the difficulties of peace after years of mistrust and bloodshed. A standout action sequence in zero gravity together with a great final battle with the Enterprise (Meyer again bringing his naval references to the fore to make these battles relatable and understandable to an audience) ensure the films go out with a bang and it's great to see Spock in full deduction mode once again as he investigates a crime on the Enterprise.

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