Hey, while it might not have been the most thrilling episode by any stretch of the imagination, I'm never gonna complain about an episode where things actually happen and the wrestling is above average.

  • Not sure what exactly they're doing with Knight anymore, he needs to go on a winning streak or something while he's getting such a strong crowd reaction. He's one of the older guys on the roster and has proven that he has what it takes, so what are they waiting for?

  • The match with Escobar is definitely the best Priest match I've ever seen. He can really go when he's put in the ring with someone who compliments his style and makes his offense look as effective as Escobar did.

  • Why are we still doing the women's tag titles anymore? NXT does a better job with theirs with a third of the roster. On the main roster, they're a joke. At least the new feud they set up for them is fresh and gives four women something to do, but they need to build a division instead of constantly throwing people together for a month or two, then forgetting about them.

  • Solo doesn't get nearly enough credit for how much he's delivered every time he's given an opportunity to work with a top talent. This guy had a handful of matches on NXT and that's it, and suddenly he's main eventing main roster TV and looking like a million bucks.

  • Happy to see Shinsuke back. Happier to see him get a feud built right away so he's got something to do. Happiest to see him get rid of the red jumpsuit.

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@calypsora Definitely agree with all of this. LA Knight is soo over right now, and they keep booking him to lose. It's absurd.
