Poor but not the poorest.
This just goes to show you
Can throw as many huge names
At a movie as you want
But it won't necessarily
Make it great.
For me this one just wasn't
Fun and engaging as the
First one, this just didn't
Have that
Superhero magic of the
I found the plot/story
Very generic and slightly
Boring, it was mostly
Army dudes and guns guns
And oh yeah more guns.
And I thought this movie was
Way to long, definitely started
To over stay it's welcome,
And when you are not as
Engaged as you'd like to be
That time drags round.
With no cool suits
This time round and
None of the original cast
Wanting to return this
Installment is just a
Pale comparisons to
What came before.
Number One
Had great pacing
Never a dull moment
Fun, exciting
Good vs Bad guys
This one was a grind to
get through, very dull
And very
Long, same old same old,
To be honest
It was a good
Rock movie but a
Piss-poor second
GI-JOE movie.

Stop now just stop!

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