I definitely loved this episode even more because I'm from the Netherlands.

The "gezellig" boat guy is my favourite. I feel like one thing a lot of Dutch people have in common is that when we learn that the word has no translation in English, we INSTANTLY feel proud, and this episode felt gezellig. I also loved the Andre Hazes quip and Jan being excited about Groningen. (Though I personally would've thought it funny if they all took the train to Groningen). Also the bike thing... the old guy stealing the bikes, CLASSIC. Jamie & Roy in general, I love them.

And then of course, the part that followed Colin and Trent, my heart. I was crying. It's been a thing here in the Netherlands, and that already made me hyper-focussed on that storyline, but the fact that they choose this location to further it feels like it has a double meaning to me. Which I can really appreciate.

I may just watch this episode again because SO MUCH happened in it.

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