A whodunit in which I'm completely surprised by the resolution always earns a few bonus points from me. That was certainly the case with "Bodies, Bodies, Bodies", and the twist matched the film perfectly. However, you should definitely be aware that this is not a horror film but a satire in which the Generation Z is ridiculed. Every buzzword that is currently of a certain relevance is used. Although I doubt whether you can still understand this lingo in a few years, it fits very well here.

Even though I enjoyed the film and thought it was well-directed, there were a few flaws. For example, there is no character with whom you can even remotely sympathize. Really, all of them are completely unlikable. Furthermore, the characters scurried through dark rooms with a cell phone flashlight in hand a few times too often for my liking. If you have a problem with people screaming, the film is also not recommendable. Fortunately, I still thoroughly enjoyed it.

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