I continue to be confused by Nate's arc. I get (or at least assume) that this relationship is most likely a stepping stone towards his 'redemption.' Problem is, they've solidly established Nate as a villain for this season, and haven't given us much reason at all to think kindly towards him. So why should we root for this relationship of his to work out? At least not at this juncture. Show more progress before doing this.

Leaving the broken mirrors in Ola's as they are is symbolic and all, but that's a hazard to guests! Someone could easily cut themselves on it. At least put plastic or glass over it.

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@jasperkazai Rebecca and Jamie were similarly established right from the start, but at the end of the first season we didn't look at them the same way. Hell, Rebecca was still backstabbing Ted (and the team) while he was playing darts to help her not having to deal with Rupert every Sunday... Similarly, we know a lot about Nate by now, the only thing that's missing is him making amends.
