Review by CalypsoRa

I could've tuned out after the opening match this week, and been fine with missing the rest.

The opening match was great, with Cassidy over-delivering once again. Didn't care for them running out to collectively make the save in the Cole segment though, it was a really weird choice.

I know Roderick Strong has some fans out there, but I'm not one of them. I don't dislike him either, he just doesn't move the needle for me. Seeing him just made me miss Fish and O'Reilly, and it sounds like the crowd was on the same page.

I never realized Wardlow was as small as he is, until I saw him next to Arn Anderson.

Sonjay Dutt is so damn entertaining right now. I need to see a feud down the line where he and Stokely Hathaway are managing opposing sides. Hell, let them get in the ring against one another too.

That finish to the Cargill and Valkyrie match was bruuuuuuutal. It didn't help that the crowd didn't care to begin with.

As much as it feels like we're wasting tons of TV time building to a forgone conclusion of a fatal four-way for the title, it's hard to complain when we're getting to see the four pillars wrestle each other in different combinations every week. They never miss. Guevara's table spot this week was INSANE.

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