Shout by Zillah

2000 Mules 2022

All this most likely shows is ballot harvesting, legal in many states. Gathering legal ballots from family and depositing them. Every state uses differen paper, envelopes,etc.. How mules got that is never discussed.

From Reuters: “Listing all of the steps needed to falsify a ballot, Gronke told Reuters: “1) You need a falsified ballot with a unique bar code, printed on special paper, and a special envelope. If the claim is that you’ve somehow obtained 400,000 original ballots without the elections officials or voters knowing, how precisely did you do this?

“2) You need to successfully forge the voter’s signature. 3) You need to deposit the envelope and have it validated by a local official.

“Congratulations! Besides committing a felony, you have now cast ONE fraudulent ballot. Now you need to figure out how to do that hundreds of thousands of times, in different jurisdictions, with different ballot styles and different voting materials.””

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