A lot of episode of The Brave & The Bold are exercise in inserting Batman into other stories/worlds. E.g. "Batman in Victorian England with Sherlock Holmes" or "Batman in a Kung Fu movie". And these work with varying levels of success. But despite the fact that it's no more ridiculous than anything else the show has done, I just couldn't get into "Batman in The Planet of the Apes". I realize it was slightly more complicated than that, but the hokiness of the human slaves in an Animal Kingdom bit was something I couldn't get past. I'm sure it's an actual D.C. comic series with a long and storied history, but Batman felt out of place in that world, which, for such a malleable character, is saying something, and I got tired of the setup pretty quickly.

I did enjoy the opening short well enough. The deathtrap for charity bit was a fun twist, though the "take my wife, please"-style humor of the ending was pretty lame.

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