Everything is getting a bit too coincidental for my liking.
So Lois gets cancer and goes to goes to Manheim's hospital to investigate him. Fair enough.
Then the only woman she makes friends with there just so happens to be Manheim's secret wife? Hmm okay. That's possible.
But that woman is also the superpowered woman who tried to kill Clark and Jordan last episode, and John Henry Irons before that? This is getting a bit too coincidental.
THEN Natalie meets a random boy at a party, and that kids parents just so happen to be the two main villains of the season who have personally tried to kill Natalie's dad more than once?
And NONE of that was planned by any of them? Manheim didn't get his wife to befriend Lois, he doesn't know that his son is dating JHIs daughter. He doesn't know that Clark is Superman. All this stuff just somehow coincidentally happened?

Don't get me wrong, that actual story of the show is still great, but the magnitude of all these coincidences just to have the main cast linked to each other some how is just dumb.

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@lsdetlev You see, rural america I'd believe. Like, if it was happening with other citizens of smallville then I'd believe it. But this is the big city they're acting in with this. In the whole of metropolis, in a party with dozens and dozens of people at it, it just so happens that Lios befriends the wife of the guy who is trying to kill/capture superman, and Nat just so happens to meet their son and start dating him right after his dad had a run in with her dad. It's just too much coincidence wise!
