Review by Andrew Bloom

I complained in an earlier episode review about some Power Rangers-esque plotting. Well, the ending to this one was the good guy and the bad guy gaining lots of extra powers, turning huge, and then duking it out in a big city. That's a little too Megazord for me. I also mentioned earlier than the magical/mystical stuff never works as well for me as the scifi stuff for whatever reason, and thus the business with Dr. Fate and going to a higher realm and all the other mumbo jumbo fell pretty flat for me.

Dr. Fate giving Batman all the other heroes' powers was a fun idea, but ended up feeling pretty gimmicky, and the design of the "Bat-Monolith" wasn't particularly cool or inventive. Really looked more like an Iron Man Bat than anything else. And the finish with Batman making Equinox go mad via his order/chaos balance seemed like a page right out of the "paradox absorbing crumple zones" scene from Futurama.

I liked the idea of having a Big Bad for this show, and I even liked the glimpses we got of Equinox as the series progressed, but giving him a full episode just turned the character into a generic power-mad villain, with his balance gimmick turning into a flimsy excuse for galactic destruction. Underwhelming to say the least.

(Side note, this was listed as ep. 24 for me, so I watched it slightly out of order. I'm sure the Lords of Chaos would approve. Also, Aquaman was, as usual, a nice little bright spot here. And the Two-Face short at the beginning was fun too.)

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