Shout by Andy Gilleand

Silo: Season 1

1x03 Machines

Anybody catch that blink and you'll miss it moment when the lights went off? The filter on the screens turned off and you could see the green grass, for just a split second. Wonder if anybody in the Silo noticed it.

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I think everyone noticed. It’s an important plot point.

hopefully the people in the room that saw it will start to question what they're being shown on the screen

@morphinapg Yeah they noticed, you could hear several people whisper things like "did you see that?" after it happened.

@teuben Oh interesting I didn't hear that. Yeah I expect this will be important.

@morphinapg I was watching that scene immediately after showing the people's faces to see if anyone noticed. They deliberately made it really hard to tell. I expect this will be a running plot point that builds up into an insurrection type deal later on, because they keep bringing back the topic of "Crazy people will open the doors and let the poison in", so I'm predicting an extremist faction will get in the way of the "peaceful surfacers faction" on Juliette's team. Epic.
