the last few seasons of Supernatural have been tough to get through. I took almost a year off finishing this season (around episode 14/15 I think) I get that shows have to evolve and change but what made Supernatural great was monster of the week with an overarching main plot and nothing can come close to the first 5/6 seasons.

This episode though was really REALLY rough. Predictable and tame, cheesy (not in a good way either) and such a let down. I at least had high hopes for an epic fight at the end when they got to the church and instead I witnessed dean and the devil turn into trapeze artists flying through the air for one of the shortest and laughable final boss fights I think I've ever witnessed.

It should have been such an epic fight and it literally turned into a circus act. It was sloppy and rushed and not what I know to be Supernatural. I will be finishing off the show but my expectations now are at an all time low and hopefully I can salvage some enjoyment, There are always going to be cool episodes and story arcs so I know it won't be a total waste (hopefully)

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