Review by Acoucalancha

From: Season 2

2x05 Lullaby

Great drama and perfect last setup episode before everything explodes in the next I believe.

  • Original granny monster from the series premiere shows up again.
  • The creatures walking out on Randall in the bus even though he's screaming at them means a lot. Sinse when do they abandon on trying to convince someone to open the door. He was so close to opening the door too, all they needed was to provoke him. They don't want him to die, hasn't done his part yet?
  • Donna gives off social worker/therapist vibes, maybe that used to be her job.
  • The creepy kids look like they've been experimented on, they're clearly victims of this place and it felt to me like they were praising Tabitha. It's all in her head but her nose is bleeding so they can affect her physically?
  • I still think Tillie (the old lady) is a mole for the group of people that are supposedly monitoring everyone. I believe she purposefully gave Kristi the morphine knowing Marielle was there to see it, causing more chaos. Although, is it too obvious at this point that she's the mole?
  • Every character feel like they're a ticking time bomb at this point but Kenny definitely shouldn't have a gun, he's the biggest threat because of that.
  • Great performance from Ms. Tian-Chen Liu actress.
  • Randall looks like he's making a trap for one of the creatures, trying to trap it in the bus with a talisman if such a thing is possible. Time to try it!
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Regarding the second point, I think you're reading too much into it. They knew he wasn't going to open the door, so the best way to rile him up at that point was to...not rile him up. He fed off the challenge and became more annoyed when they ignored him. When they can physically "play" with their targets, they switch to psychological tactics, which is what I believe was the point of Kelly, the girl with the metal rod in her head. They played music so someone would find her and be forced to choose between letting her suffer or killing her. Bonus points if Boyd showed up, but he would have heard about it either way. It kind of reminds me of The Good Place where Michael tries to convey how psychological torture can be just as much fun as direct torture.
Also, I think Randall was just trying to put the chairs on the roof as a show of "I'm a big man. I'm not afriad. Look at me just relaxing in the sun without a care in the world!" I hope he dies soon or gets humbled REAL quick...
