again begging @Trakt to do something about these before-release reviews.

this has 95% critics rating and 100% audience rating on Rotten Tomatoes, yet it's 30% here on Trakt?

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Completely agree with you, I've been complaining about this. Seen the first episodes and I really liked it.

@klovarr sadly I have a feeling I know why people are doing that. I just watched the first episode and it's awesome!

@klovarr Why? You know it's meaningless, just stop checking the ratings here.

@balazs955 Exactly. This site doesn't provide fair or accurate rating or commenting. It heavily favors people who write positive comments or reviews.

@klovarr we hide ratings before an item is released. Once it's released and starts getting normal ratings, the early ratings have very little effect on the overall percentage. There is a VIP forum thread where someone gives examples of this. This should be considered a support issue and not be left as a comment.
