Midge on the Gordon show felt like watching your own kid living their dreams out and at that moment it was just so beautiful. I'll miss this show to no end especially Midge, Lenny, Susie and at times Abe. I never cared for wanting to watch in person stand up but now I look forward to seeing someone as funny as our Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.

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4 replies

@achillesreborn It would be better if you could mark your comment as spoiler.

@votresprit not sure why you'd check comments before watching the series finale seems dubious but sure it's marked now all good

@achillesreborn Thanks! It's just that sometimes the page slides down by itself while loading, so any top comments become visible, and you happen to see eye-catching things like "Midge on the Gordon show". It wasn't an ill-intentioned reply :)

@votresprit ah I see glad to hear it wasn't & that makes sense def didn't realize that so I'll know that ffr :)
