Did you all give high ratings to make a point? Half way through the movie I could not keep my eyes open. Seriously... 8.7 / 10 in IMDB. Crazy!

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@dungrapid5 clearly they are trolling. We are missing something on the internet, propably Reddit or someting. They can even manipulate stockprices, so why not this :)

@trakth who are "they"?:scream:

I’m with you. Had to split into 2 viewings because I fell asleep after first hour. Don’t feel like you’re the only one would thought it was kind of dull. :thumbsup_tone2:

@dungrapid5 It's ok, you can dislike something most people like, doesn't mean they're lying

@dungrapid5 A dull mind can't appreciate that which far exceeds its grasp

@dungrapid5 that's a rare movie style, very risky. It's like drugs for your brain. It's commonly called "mind f*ck"

That one is very well done.

@mrbuerger you mean anesthesia? It put me to sleep :sleeping: :zzz: :sleepy:

@dungrapid5 I thought the same, until I was absolutely blown away by the last third. It went from an average movie to my second favorite of the year.

@dungrapid5 this is exactly what I'm thinking sitting here half way through this pile of junk.

@dungrapid5 seeing as your most watched show is grey's anatomy, and most watched movie is pacific rim, nobody is gonna expect you to have movie taste.

get some sleep, watch it again?

I dunno about others but I agree with this.

@dungrapid5 Says the person who gave Shazam a 10.
