Review by Acoucalancha

From: Season 2

2x06 Pas de Deux

Some payoff, lots of well-shot edge-of-your-seat action and we finally have our first monster kill!

  • "Leaves changing colors and falling off the trees"—so are we getting winter at some point? Do the creatures hibernate? And they're going to lose all their crops for real if the cold happens.
  • Bullets don't do anything to them but Boyd was able to cut it in the throat. He even grabbed him by the throat and for a second there the monster looked afraid and that was before the worms entered. Are the monsters helpless when you attack them, unafraid? Knives work that's for sure. Monster wasn't bleeding at all though.
  • I hope they do an autopsy on that monster. Also, we'll find out why they hate the sun. Will it burst into flames?
  • Loved the ballerina. Her existence means that she was probably present in the Martin scenes. Was she the one that threw the rope down the hole to Boyd?
  • Confirmation that the worms were keeping Martin alive to the point where his body was decomposed and still kept alive. Transfering the worms for sure killed him. To that point, doesn't it mean that the worms won't let the monster die sinse Boyd transfered them? Will it wake up in human form in the next episode?
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Yep maybe "From" is just like the Netflix Korean zombie show named "Kingdom", these monsters hate the daylight is because thay cannot take the temperature? As Boyd found out the leaves falling, maybe it heralded that the winter will come and then monsters can be out all of the day? That's really a challenge for everyone.

@acoucalancha since their sleeping spot is known, the Los Muertos approach could probably solve the entire situation in a day or two. if they're susceptible to sunlight.
