[6.7/10] I like the show rounding things out with Hugh. Candidly, I thought we’d neer see him again. I figured he’d be on a bus in France for the rest of the series.s But having him come back to Darby, be a class act to the Aldersons, and at least a decent chap to James after some petty but low stakes revenge, is a nice out for him. Him getting James run over with the bull, humiliating him in the outfield of the cricket game, and otherwise putting on the smile but trying to get his licks in doesn't put him in the best light. But renewing the lease on the Aldersons’ farm, trying to gift them a bull, and seeming to genuinely have no hard feelings toward Helen certainly does.

I particularly like their conversation where they admit that they were always pals, but never had the passion, and Helen genuinely apologizes. They’re both adaadults about it, and things go out on a nice note. I also like that even though James agreed to play cricket in a foolish bid to try to show up Hugh, in the end he takes a dive to give the guy a much needed win, something that earns him more love and admiration from Helen than any victory. They’re all good notes.

But the cricket stuff does nothing for me. It’s not the sport itself. But the “sports movie” vibe of the whole thing just doesn't fit with the energy of the show. And the episode isn’t able to wring much actual hour or drama out of it. It takes up a lot of time though, which makes a lot of this one, and its broad teen show sports competition material gets dull quickly.

I’m also not crazy about the resolution to the Siegfried/Tristan situation. Look, it’s good that Tristan admits he’s wrong even though he had good intentions and makes a true apology. But for one thing, him drawing the metaphor from Tricki Woo being an “amorous” pup who doesn’t need to be snipped is a weird, kind of demeaning source of his epiphany. Charitably, you can read it as “Let people be who they are rather than trying to change them.” But that wasn’t really the issue here?

More to the point, this was a big deal! It should take more than a simple apology to rectify things! Siegfried saying that the money’s there for college if Tristan wants to return or support if he doesn’t is a good start. But I don’t know. For something as big as this, I wanted more fallout than one basic apology spurred on by a horny pekingese to resolve it all.

Overall, a bit of a low-light for the season after the strong previous outing.

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