Review by Ritesh Mohapatra

BlackBerry 2023


Baruchel and Howeton's biopic is a witty, sharp and compelling piece of infotainment

My Rating : :star::star::star::star: (84/100)

#Blackberry is a riveting and fascinating tale of rise and fall of a product which used to be a status symbol back in the day. This film is probably one of the best product biopics coming from the west which deliciously crafts darkly comedic elements and a gripping screenplay. The score is peppy , the characters are solidly written and cinematography is marvelous. The camera zooming in on a woman, after a boss tells the mostly male coworkers to work and to not play with their little penises, is already one of the best scenes of the year, literally ROFL.

#GlennHowerton as Jim is ferocious and outstanding and sets the tone of the film on how his arrogance and ill mannered ego crashes the company down. #JayBaruchel is brilliant as Mike who was the brains of the BlackBerry and how ignorant he was as a co-ceo. The best part of the film is the Character of #MattJohnson who just kills it with his hillarious performance. To my surprise Matt is also the director which is just crazy talent.

Overall, a sharp, compelling true story which has the tension, thrill and humour of great intellect. Fantastic drama and fresh cinematography are good reasons why all should acknowledge this brilliant film and watch it when available to stream.

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