Review by JasperKazai

Yep, the Tony prediction was correct after all. My goodness... What a convoluted story.

Overall, this season was an improvement from S6, which by and large sucked. But I'd say it was the second worst out of all the seasons thus far. I did appreciate the location change - LA was getting tiresome, and DC makes way more sense as a terrorist target anyways. But, the dismantling of CTU and shifting focus to the FBI was strange. It felt like they wanted to switch the show's direction, but were too chicken to fully do it. I wonder if they, at one point, intended to have Renee become the new main character and phase out Jack, but decided to not go through with it in the end. Janis also totally feels like a Chloe replacement, and Larry a Bill replacement. But they abandoned that plan. Tony being a quintuple agent is ridiculous. Hell, the fact that he's even alive at all is ridiculous. The villain's scheme ultimately made no sense: yes, Hodges went off the rails and acted without the group's approval, but what the hell was his goal? Was he just going to blackmail the US government indefinitely? That's not sustainable. Anyone with a functioning brain would realize it couldn't work long term.
New revised season ranking for up until this point: S5 > S4 > S1 > S3 > S2 > S7 > S6.

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