Review by Chris Smith

Liaison 2023

sigh It was ok. It started off very well, then a few episodes of dragging, but in the last two episodes, the plot became cheesy and forced. Every cop suspense show needs characters to make stupid mistakes they wouldn't make in real life, but by the end of this series, the writers were depending too much on stupid errors to keep the plot moving along. Yes, the ending was satisfying, but it didn't match the clever opening setup of this miniseries. It turns out that episodes 1-2 were by one writer, and 3-6 were by another; they should have stuck with the first writer. I'm sure that a script doctor could use the right language to describe what was wrong about this series; I don't have the ability; but there certainly was potential which fell apart.

I like spy thrillers, and good ones receive an 8 from me. My 6 here is due to over-reliance on character stupidity, terribly ragged pacing and writing, and inclusion of a romance which Eva Green did not present in a believable fashion.

One thing I loved about this show was the mercenary Delage, well-acted by Vincent Cassel. Thanks to his experience working for all the countries involved in this plot over his career, and his loyalty to each when they were paying him, we could never make assumptions about which side he would prefer in a given moment. The viewer expects betrayal by one or two peripheral characters in a series of this type, but when the central character is of uncertain fidelity, the suspense level increases tremendously (in a good way)!

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