Review by DAVY X

Okay two episodes left
now the
Penultimate and
the season finale
so I think it's time to
start eating people lol
seriously though it's
time to bring this story
to it's climax
Well at least for
this season,
Chaos and Carnage
to finish on please.
Misty is still the
MVP and I died
when she sniffed
the lot hahaha.
(and when she kept
touching young Shauna lol).
she's the best,
but for the first time
I was enjoying
Old Shauna's going-on's
this episode and I actually
backed Calli and found
myself agreeing with her
(Who knew).
I don't know why
Young Nat invests in
Travis he's so disrespectful
and Pathetic in all areas,
Nat wants to Sack him off
Once n for all.
There attempted sex
scenes are just plain
sad n painful to watch
and Pathetic,
"Beyond Awkward

Well time for the
Penultimate and then rap
this up, I hope it Sticks
the Landing especially
now I've just bought it
on blu ray.
(Please be good
and make it a Banger)
because as we all know
A season finale to any
show can
Make or Break
it and I really
dont want to have wasted
my money.
To Be Continued

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