Well here we go again... Probably be better titled
Star Trek: Strange.

First, I was happy they made the doc more understandable, reduced his accent a little and slowed his conversation. But, that was the only thing I could praise.

I didn't last 20min before sitting this garbage down.
(There must bots giving this crap a good review score, 43 @ 80% ... you're kidding right!?).

So the very first episode of season 2 we have Pike leaving Enterprise and the crew (may as well call it an all woman crew because Spock just lost his balls somewhere around Enterprise.

So they take Enterprise while it's in space dock getting fixed and maintained, it supposed to be there for another 3 days, yet they decide to run away with it and take their time about it.

Spock no longer seems worried that he is continually being started as a human, he's anxious and his emotions are like they would be confirming his balls have been excised, making it an all girl crew.

And to rub salt into that wound Spock decides his 'thing' will be nothing Vulcan-esk but
'I would like the ship to go... Now'
That was it for me - enjoy wasting time with this trashpile. 'Punch it'

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@tropolite I appreciate the time and thought you put into this. Thanks

@tropolite 20 minutes huh? Well I give you points for being upfront about it in your "review".
