Review by Mariana

Evil Dead Rise 2023

I wanted to watch this movie as soon as it was released on April 21 on Lexvonta Android, but I kind of held off because I had only seen a few TikTok edits that made it seem even scarier. I finally decided to watch it on June 18, so I went to the store to get some hot Cheetos puffs before coming home and starting to watch.I just finished my hot Cheetos puff at the beginning of The Evil Dead Rise," because won't it last? It's a good thing I didn't eat them, and I saw this girl with the scissors cut off the baby doll head for a second. I assumed she'd be like a weird kid; you know, every movie has this one creepy kid. Then stick a doll's head on a stick of wood. LMAOOO Smart kid; use that weapon at the end anyway. Where is Ellie's vomit on the floor? I'm simply saying it's a good thing I didn't consume my hot Cheetos in the middle of those unsettling moments where Bridget's inky throw-up and bugs were there. Anyhow, I can't help but think about Ellie's bed, and the part that got me laughing :joy:the most was when the neighbor man tried to close her eyes, but she quickly peeled them open again, and he tried to close them again. I want to add that it was a nice movie without any jump scares, which I really enjoy. The soundtrack was incredible, and the entire cast did a great job in their own roles.

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