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Heart of Stone 2023

Gal Gadot can't act !

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3 replies

Doesn't matter, she's funny and HOT

@bkoto smoking hot so that balances everything out

I disagree. I'd ask why but (somewhat unsurprisingly) I can't as this account apparently got deleted. The comment received a surprising amount of upvotes though (IMO it's a hateful/disrespectful comment that provides no explanation to understand why and doesn't even make the five word limit...).

Anyway, I wouldn't say that Gal Gadot is a particularly good actress but that could also be due bad scripts, etc. She's quite good at action scenes though. And I don't find her acting bad (at least it never bothered me) - it might be a bit (below?) average if I think about it but, again, that could be due to the scripts, teams, etc.

IMO she's cool and funny but I don't find her that hot tbh (just not my type).
