Review by fungus1487

Sweet Tooth

Season 2

Season 1 was fantastic and really got me invested in the characters and the world.

Season 2 is lazy cliche writing.

  • the last men are no longer anything to be feared and are just a circus
  • the doctor and his wife have almost all of the runtime and manage to make me feel absolutely nothing
  • the "lead villain" is a cringe inducingly doctor robotnik rehash
  • there are too many child actors and too many filler scenes where the plot just simply does not move, if you're going to grow the cast 10 fold then make an effort.

the real shame is the golden thread is Gus and Big Man. Their chemistry is fantastic and it's a crime they are allowed maybe 20 mins of runtime in this series.

The things that made Season 1 special was that it focused around real issues and situations as a kid that are exaggerated but relatable e.g. loss, fending for yourself, building new relationships. Season 2 has none of this.

It also has a big issue around pacing and not knowing what it wants to be. In one scene it's a PG family friendly bonding of kids, jokes and silly chase scenes or over the top evil henchmen. The next we are getting gore and blood from dangerous animals, scientific experiments or the death of a child. It's really jarring and just breaks you out of the immersion.

Really sad this wasn't the continuation and building of season 1 I was hoping for.

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