Glad it's done. I won't be back for the 3rd season. I really think this stupid trope of mystery upon mystery, stringing viewers along without a proper end to the story or even season has to stop.

I mean, 2 seasons and all we know is: kick the music box and the new baddie that we never even get to see, dies. That's it. What was it? What about the other creatures, the worms, the kid, ...?

And now, without finishing one story, they set up Tabitha to start the 3rd season. No thank you, I already can't stand her and now to watch an entire 3rd season of filler episodes of her looking to get back to her family? Kill me now.

I didn't even mind that her daughter or the others were dying, good riddance I thought, since they were all annoying. I even cackled when she went out the window, but no, she has to be alive.

I think that's the problem here. Besides Kenny, Donna and Boyd, really everyone else can die off, I wouldn't care.

I'm really disappointed because it started so good.

Sorry everyone, rant over.

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