Shout by Caro von Chaos

Black Mirror: Season 6

6x04 Mazey Day

Again, didn't feel like a Black Mirror episode at all. Could be "American Horror Stories" but not BM. What a letdown

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@carovonchaos Came here to say the same thing, but I liked it even though it was more of an "American Horror Stories" episode!

@carovonchaos what do people exactly mean when they say this?

@the_argentinian they mean what they wrote. This didn't feel like a Black Mirror episode.

@carovonchaos was going to say the same. It is not Black Mirror

@prvrtl It definitely is Black Mirror. Think about it... Black Mirror is about how technology can change how we live our lives. This episode was a reflection of how the introduction of the camera result in the loss of life. In real life, paparazzi sometimes go too far and it gets someone killed. So, the episode fits the tech changes lives premise of Black Mirror. The werewolf was a fun and unexpected twist that distracts people from the truly 100% Black Mirror themes of the episode which are privacy, and how the technology known as the camera changes lives.
