Review by DAVY X

Good (just)
With such a captivating
season 1
I found this episode
to be a little neither
here nor there,
I just wasn't as engaged
as much as i should have beenI
with this S2 opener.
this episode was good
but for a season 2
Premiere it should have
come back with a
Thrilling episode that
you know has just set up
a Banger of a season,
But from leaving us on such
a high and coming back
mid leaves me a little concerned for the rest of
this season.
Shauna is off her rocker,
no surprise there,
I really don't care for any
of her shit, past or present,
all that with Jeff in that
place was ridiculous and
then the Callie thing
oh how convenient.
Misty was amazing as
always and definitely still
my favourite, and Lottie
could make this season
Frickin Awesome
if done right.
I really hope they raise
the bar this season
and make it must see
and keep the forward momentum going
oh and more spooky
Supernatural shenanigans
would be Awesome too.
Lottie must be handing
some pretty powerful
and intense visions out
to give a guy a bonner
Lol,lol haha,
I laughed so hard.
I just hope they focus
on the more interesting
parts of this show and
not the weak leftover
parts of S1.
I'm all in anywayz
as S1 got me invested
enough for all the rest.

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