Review by JC

A doc that extolls the virtues of rainbow capitalism until the very end that reveals the hollowness at its core and how these companies will never accept you above their bottom line. Phranc is endlessly charming, but her outlook also feels painfully naive looking at all the companies who retreated from all their Pride marketing and events last month. The framing of this story as one that is truly American and inspiring at its core is fascinating even if you disagree with it. It’s a queercore Jewish butch punk artist putting that and that rebellion of her youth to the side to find meaning in selling Tupperware. It’s a documentary that ends with the contrast between Woody Guthire’s ‘This machine kills fascists’ guitar and Phranc’s ‘this machine sells Tupperware’ guitar and frames it as a triumphant and charming anecdote instead of a devastating admission of participation in a corporate structure that does not care about her. It’s an hour long Tupperware ad that shows why corporations suck inherently. It’s fascinating even as it misfires on every level, and you can’t take your eyes off of Phranc, can’t help but feel for her. For what it sets out to do, it’s not good. But I still think it’s worth watching for what it accidentally illuminates.

And also the songs are damnably catchy.

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