What?! But why?!
There better be some ressurection happening pretty soon and not in the last episode. The kid was tolerable only around Klaus. Come on!

The cast has different range of acting skills and some characters are written pretty one note to begin with (and it works most of the times). But it's really hard to watch Ben's actor trying to be evil. They could have written around this issue, by implying that he is good actually and just fails miserably at being intimidating or evil on purpose. But nope, he supposed to be legit at being this way... It's hard to watch.

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@gloom8 , I get the impression so far that this Ben has been raised to be harsh, selfish, and ruthless, and, yeah, he's really doesn't have what it takes to pull that off well, but he doesn't know anything else, so... this petulant twit is the result.

@thogek I mean... maybe. But also comeback to me when you finish it. I'm curious to know would your opinion stay the same.
