Quite some expensive Cobra Kai advertisement at the beginning but I guess one should expect nothing less. Quite some $$$ equipment too. And Terry Silver was smart enough to include topics like organic food and female champions as well. One can't really blame any outsiders who will join Cobra Kai due to this ad... :o

Chozen is quite funny just being his normal self :D
"Welcome to Mexico." What a welcome by that Australian guy... I hoped right away that Johnny will arrive there later as he will obviously not pay them :D

It's awesome that Robby joined Johnny for the trip. I was super confused why he said yes though - until it became clear that Johnny didn't tell him about Miguel... At least Robby reacted quite calmly :) I really like that Robby decided to stay with Johnny. It's really about time that they get to spend some time together and start bonding!

Did Miguel really meet the right Hector Salazar now? That guy seems way too kind...

Deception, no honor, no mercy - that really describes the Cobra Kai style (of Kreese/Silver) well!

Chozen as undercover sensei could be absolutely great :D

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